Our Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana scheme on 28th August 2014. It is a scheme that aims to provide financial assistance and services namely credit, insurance, remittance, and pensions. The mission successfully completed six years in 2020. Financial services can help people from lots of burdens. The scheme can give good financial relief to low-income groups and financially deprived sectors. This can help them to grow and expand in the best possible manner. They can earn good profits from these schemes. It is widely spreading in various parts of the country.
What are the Benefits of the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana scheme?
- The scheme covers people in both urban and rural areas by providing indigenous credit cards.
- There is no such requirement of a minimum balance for opening the account. It is the best part of this scheme.
- It also ensures to provide the core banking system with mobile banking facilities.
- It helps in uplifting the economic crisis of the country by providing all financial services. It will be good to try this scheme.
- This scheme is applicable to all Indian citizens. Even the children can open this account with a trustee to manage the account. It is another advantage you can try.
- The application for this scheme can be made through online mode. This is why more and more people can manage to use it. In addition to this, the account holders under this scheme are also entitled to get an accidental benefit of Rs 1 lakhs. This is a wonderful thing.
- This account will also give the beneficiaries to access pensions and other things.
- The account also provides overdrawing up to Rs 2000.
Now let us try to have a glance at the statistics of the PMJDY scheme. It will be good to know about the progress of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana 2023.
How Many Accounts Opened Under Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana ?
Bank | Number of beneficiaries in rural areas | Number of beneficiaries in semi metro | Number of rural-urban female beneficiaries | Total number of beneficiaries | Deposits | Number of Rupay cards |
Public Sector Banks | 21.52 | 12.96 | 19.01 | 34.48 | 113890.92 | 27.14 |
Regional Rural Banks | 6.95 | 0.99 | 4.6 | 7.94 | 27967.51 | 3.38 |
Private Sector Banks | 0.7 | 0.57 | 0.7 | 1.27 | 4373.93 | 1.11 |
Grand Total | 29.17 | 14.53 | 24.3 | 43.7 | 146232.36 | 31.64 |
The chart makes it clear on the recent developments in the scheme. The scheme has been implemented in three stages. Almost all the stages are found to be successful and great. The best part of the scheme is it provides pension and life insurance coverage to the people. The accidental benefits provided by the scheme are another advantage of the policy. This has allowed more and more people to grab the scheme. The Government is always looking to uplift the people to some extent. It aims in providing financial freedom.
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