On July 4, 2020, Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar launched Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP) in Haryana with the main goal of generating authentic, reliable data about all households in the state. This family identity certificate for residents of the state of Haryana will ensure that every beneficiary receives the advantages of the services and programs offered by the state government and the federal government. Continue reading to learn more about the PPP Income Verification status and its application procedure.
PPP Haryana – Family ID
Parivar Pehchan Patra, or PPP, is a family ID issued in Haryana. The goal of this program is to collect all relevant information about every family in Haryana so that the government can directly contact them about any programs they may be interested in, or so that they can gather data on every family. To provide direct benefits to the beneficiaries in the future, the Haryana government has linked the family identity card with nearly all of its programs.
PPP income verification
The most crucial aspect of PPP income verification status is how it relates to the PPP process of determining each person’s or household’s income. It aids in figuring out whether a family is financially stable or not. Additionally, it helps in determining the government’s loan or financial aid programs.
The Haryana government has finished all four stages of the income verification project, which involves registering up to one lakh rupees in income on the family identity card. A recipient won’t need to provide any more documentation after the data in the PPP database has been checked and authenticated.
An interview with the applicant or a site visit to the residence is conducted as the final step in the verification procedure to confirm the information given. The PPP income verification status can be checked after 2–3 days. No registration fee is required to enroll under the PPP Haryana Scheme.
How to check Haryana PPP Income Verification Status?
There are several ways to check your PPP income status. You can either visit the Haryana government’s website or use the PPP Income Verification App. To check the status of the Haryana PPP Income Verification, follow the instructions below:
- Visit HPDS at saralharyana.gov.in.
- Fill out the form to create an account on the Saral portal.
- Enter the password sent to your email address to log in.
- Tap on the apply scheme button.
- Click View All Available Services.
- Now click on Income Certificate under the Search tab.
- Click on Fetch Data for any family member after entering the family ID.
- You may view the certificate details regarding the verification status at the bottom of the screen.
Keep These Documents Handy:-
- Aadhar Card
- Permanent Certificate
- Family Identification Documents
- Married Status
- Passport Size Photo
Family Id Haryana Download
Here are the steps to download family ID Haryana:
- First, open Meraparivar.haryana.gov.in in any browser
- Click on “Citizen Corner.”
- Click on “Update Family Details.”
- After that, if you know the family ID number then enter it. if you do not know then click on the option of No and enter your Aadhaar number. Then, click on the search option.
- The option of Send OTP will appear in front of you. Click on the option of Send OTP.
- Enter the OTP you received on the registered mobile number and click on verify option.
- After that, your family details will appear in front of you.
- You have to click on Print PPP from the Step below.
- Now you will see the final print of your family ID. Click on the print option and download the file.
PPP Haryana – Beneficiaries
Every nuclear or joint family will receive a unique 8-digit identification number as part of the scheme. Families that are both temporary and permanent residents can register their names in PPP Haryana.
- Those who have lived in the state for a long time are considered permanent residents. A permanent eight-digit number will be given to them.
- Families living in temporary housing are those from outside the state or those who moved to Harayana for work. They will be given a temporary family ID of nine digits, with the letter “T” as their first letter.
Family Id Haryana – Benefits
Digitalization: The program will enable the government to digitise the family’s information and track them appropriately.
Lowering Corruption: It will aid in lowering corruption, eradicating issues with Aadhaar cards that are rising, and enhancing the transparency of government initiatives
Automation Update: To ensure that the family data is updated automatically as and when such life events occur, the Family ID will be linked to the Birth, Death, and Marriage records.
Self-Selection of Schemes: With the use of Family ID, existing, independent programs like pensions, subsidies, and scholarships will be linked together to ensure consistency and dependability while also allowing for the automatic selection of beneficiaries for various programs, subsidies, and pensions.
Schemes covered under PPP Haryana:
- Widow pension scheme.
- Disability pension scheme.
- Old age Samman Allowance.
- Vidya Pension Yojana.
- Delivering license service.
- Marriage registration certificate.
- SSPY Vidva pension UP.
- Domicile certificate.
The major goal of Parivar Pehchan Patra is to facilitate the public’s access to government programs. In the PPP portal, you must provide the required information. A certified certificate will subsequently be attached to your family on the PPP site after the Local Committee of the government has reviewed your income details. If you aren’t registered yet, enroll for the PPP program as soon as you can. Follow the instructions provided above in this post to check the status of your PPP Haryana family ID as well as to know about the Family ID download process.
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